Business and Corporate law is another broad area of practice that includes everything from commercial transactions, mergers and buyouts, contract negotiation, foreclosures and enforcement of bank instruments, protection of proprietary information and much more. Over the years, Attorney Jarrod M. Scharber has assisted dozens of business in organizing their corporate documents including articles of incorporation, operating agreements, bylaws and deed restrictions.Our attorneys have extensive experience representing construction companies and subcontractors; and are well versed in the Florida Lien laws and contract dispute resolution.
Complete Corporate Representation
We represent dozens of companies in assisting with the day to day operations of their businesses. In any given week, our attorneys may encounter a broad range of corporate issues from employee contracts and overtime questions; to partnership agreements and the formation of a new entity. At Scharber Law Group, we are small business people and we have the experience and the tools to assist your company with everything from maintaining your corporate minutes to dealing with your insurance company.
Starting and running a successful business in the State of Florida is difficult enough — and stressing over contracts, agreements, restrictions and compliance is not something that you should tackle on your own. Our lawyers are just a phone call away; and we are anxious to answer your business and corporate law questions. Don’t wait until something goes wrong with your business to involve an attorney in your operations. Put us on your team today. At Scharber Law Group, we love small business and we want to become Your Hometown Attorney.
Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Most of our time spent with our corporate clients is focused on operations, compliance, transactions and the preparation of documents. However corporate disputes – with other companies, employees, customers and suppliers, are commonplace and require specialized attention. We use the term “dispute resolution” because litigation is only one way to handle a corporate dispute. Our attorneys are skilled at examining the facts; identifying possible solutions; considering best and worst case scenarios, and resolving conflicts for our corporate clients in a manner that serves their long term best interests.
Sometimes litigation is the only way; but you want an attorney that is not motivated by billable hours and protracted litigation in resolving your dispute. You want someone who will give you straight talk about your situation and give honest advice about the likely outcomes. Contact us today to talk about your business, and what we can do to help your organization.